

Chilkat and Ravenstail weaving offer enough challenges in themselves, without having to scramble looking for the best supplies. I want to share what supplies I like to use, as it makes a difference in your final works.

I use 100% merino wool for roving and weft yarns (the weaver yarns), and I prefer to let others spin my warp, using yellow cedar bark, as it takes 6-8 weeks to spin 1000 yarns for a full-size robe. That’s a lot of weaving time used for spinning, eh?

I used to get my weft yarns from Louet, a Canadian company, which also has headquarters in America. As of fall 2019, Louet has stopped carrying yarns for retail. We are all standing by to see who takes over their yarn manufacture and distribution. I order my roving for spinning from a company called Halcyon Yarns by the bump, usually 21-23 pounds at a time.

The two Ravenstail weaving books assembled and published by the Ravenstail Guild are available for purchase in my shop.

Lily Hope